Yesterday was fun, Sam came to TOI and would start freelancing for us, later we went and had coffee at barista, and bestest part was the satsang! I really really really missed my guitar, but have made up mind to go every week from now on. Today morning pathi dragged me out of bed at 7 am and made me go for a morning walk! Which I hate to admit was pretty good….sadhana went superb after that. And after the initial heavy-duty tantrums thrown by mind, it’s really not that bad…I realize that life’s pretty ordinary really, it’s the mind which sensationalizes it!
Yet another lazy day at work, gotta interview bally Sagoo in da eve, so that’s cool!
40 minutes later….
People envy my work, coz I get to party as a part of it…what they don’t realize that for me, my party begins the minute I close my eyes, and feel the presence. Am kinda hungry, wondering if can go grab a bite!
Oh also today is leap year day.Ooops forget to think of a bday gift for krish…gotta think of something soon!